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About Waggin’ Trains

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Waggin’ Trains Pack Members Offer Incredible Customer Service & Product Knowledge

The staff at Waggin’ Trains is committed to continually learning more about pet care, products, and nutrition so we can provide you with the best products and services around.


Changing hands in the fall of 2018, Waggin’ Trains has now crossed the one year mark under the new ownership of Kelly and Dan Stilson of Clearfield, PA. This first year has given them the opportunity to better understand the pet community, their customers and the needs of their pets. They’ve worked diligently to keep the store up to date and fresh, offering new items and services while continuing to maintain a high level of customer service and expertise. 

Soon after taking ownership, owner/train Kelly Stilson (CPDT-KA, CTDI, AKC CGC Evaluator) began a series of dog training classes, starting with their basic ‘Life Skills’ classes. From that point, the demand for quality training has increased exponentially, allowing Kelly to expand her training to include not only ‘Life Skills’, but also ‘Manners in Action’, ‘Hounds About Town’ and ‘Intro to Urban Agility & Parkour’. 

The fall of 2019 has once again brought some changes to Waggin’ Trains. The retail store remains intact, but may feel a bit more ‘cozy’ this year. A thriving training program of new and returning dog owners has caused Waggin’ Trains to shift about 200 square feet of retail space into training space to accommodate more classes and dog sports. 

Specifically, Waggin’ Trains will begin to offer TWO NEW CLASSES, Basic Agility and a newly found dog sport called ‘Barn Hunt’. 

To learn more about the training classes offered at Waggin’ Trains, you can click on the link below.



Stilson said she became interested in training when she and her dog participated in a class taught by the former Waggin’ Trains owner. “I took my first class at Waggin’ Trains nine years ago. The owner really sparked my interest to evolve into sports and teaching classes. It really has come full circle.” 

The store is located a 224 Power Avenue, Clearfield PA, 16830. The hours are Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Waggin’ Trains has a Facebook page and can also be found on Instagram. 

Stilson said she is currently exploring future additions to the store’s inventory, noting she is looking into offering small animal supplies at the store if there is an interest.


We love our customers from Clearfield areas around Hyde, Clearfield, Woodland, Plymptonville,  Curwensville, Bigler, Allport, Penfield, Philipsburg, and more!

Come visit our pet supply store in Clearfield, PA specializing in quality food, treats, and supplies for cats and dogs.